HubL Repeatable Fields
{% if condition %}
If the condition is true print this to template.
{% endif %}
// boolean
{% if "true"|bool == true %}hello world{% endif %}
// else if
{% set number = 5 %}
{% if number <= 2 %}
Variable named number is less than or equal to 2.
{% elif number <= 4 %}
Variable named number is less than or equal to 4.
{% elif number <= 6 %}
Variable named number is less than or equal to 6.
{% else %}
Variable named number is greater than 6.
{% endif %}
// set variable
{% module "my_module" path="@hubspot/rich_text", label="My rich text module", html="Default module text" export_to_template_context=true %}
{% if widget_data.my_module %}
A module named "my_module" is defined in this template.
{% endif %}
{% set my_variable = "A string value for my variable" %}
{% if my_variable %}
The variable named my_variable is defined in this template.
{% endif %}
// Ternary operators
// If the variable is_blue is true, output "blue", otherwise output"red"
{{ is_blue is truthy ? "blue" : "red" }}
// Set the variable is_red to false if is_blue is true, otherwise set to true
{% set is_red = is_blue is truthy ? false : true %}