HubL Functions
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/// blog_page_link
<a href="{{ blog_page_link(current_page_num) }}">Current page</a>
<a href="{{ blog_page_link(next_page_num) }}">Next</a>
/// Translations
{% if content.language.languageTag == "de" %}
<a class="cta_button" href="{{ post.absolute_url }}">Mehr erfahren</a>
{% else %}
<a class="cta_button" href="{{ post.absolute_url }}">Read More</a>
{% endif %}
// Reading Time
{% set number = p.post_body|wordcount|divide(200) %}
{% if number < 1 %}
{% else %}
<div class="aa-tag-separator">| </div>
{% set post_content = content.post_body|striptags %}
{% set cleaned_content = post_content|replace('<!--more-->', '') %}
{% set word_count = cleaned_content|wordcount %}
{% set calculated_time = word_count|divide(200)|round %}
{# Workaround for max function #}
{% if calculated_time < 1 %}
{% set reading_time = 1 %}
{% else %}
{% set reading_time = calculated_time %}
{% endif %}
<div id="reading-time-debug" style="display: none;">
<p>Debug Info:</p>
<li>Word Count: {{ word_count }}</li>
<li>Calculated Time: {{ calculated_time }}</li>
<li>Final Reading Time: {{ reading_time }}</li>
{# <!-- Debug: {{ word_count }} words --> #}
{# <span class="min-read">{{ p.post_body|wordcount|divide(200) }} {{ label_read }}</span> #}
<span class="min-read">{{ reading_time }} {{ label_read }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% set my_blog = blog_by_id(47104297) %}
<a href="{{ my_blog.absolute_url }}">{{my_blog.html_title}}</a>
/// link
/// please escape everything that we can
{{ content.absolute_url }}
{% set escape_string = "<" %}
<a href="{{ escape_string|escape_url }}">
/// blog content
/// sanitize HTML when possible
{{ content.post_body_value|truncatehtml(200) }}
{{ content.post_list_content|truncatehtml(100) }}
/// safe - wont be escaped
{{ content.post_list_content|safe }}
/// sanitize
{% set escape_string = "This <br> <div>markup is <img src=''> <span>printed</span> as text.</div>" %}
{{ escape_string|sanitize_html("IMAGES") }}
// List blog posts from news
{{ blog_recent_posts("default", 5) }}
{% set rec_posts = blog_recent_posts("default", 5) %}
{% for rec_post in rec_posts %}
<div class="post-title">{{ }}</div>
{% endfor %}